Ballena Azul Aceite de Hígado de Bacalao para Adultos y Niños, COD Liver Oil for Adults and Children, Good Source of Vitamins A,D,E, B1, Dietary Supplement, Omega 3, Inmune System Boost, (Cherry)

Mexican Depot

Regular price $5.25

  • Helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Cherry and Strawberry Banana Flavors

Blue Whale Emulsion with four delicious flavors and presentations of 200mL and 450mL, helps to strengthen the defenses and the immune system, with Omega 3, Cod liver oil, fluoride and vitamins A, D, E and B1.

Excellent source of Omega 3, which helps us strengthen our immune system by strengthening our defenses. Like vitamins A and D, which are essential in the formation and development of bones and teeth, they also help us: Omega 3: strengthens our defenses and is excellent for our bones and lowers cholesterol. Vitamin A, improve vision. Vitamin B1, source of energy. Fluoride helps minimize dental cavities.